
大宇宙隕石彩色銀幣,全新二盎司2toz上面鑲有一顆月亮碎片,此顆月亮隕石(NWA11228)全世界的總重量只有140公克,在摩洛哥發現,相當稀少而珍貴,此枚銀幣在今年的世界柏林錢幣展中大放異彩,深受收藏家們喜愛,夜晚有螢光功能,全世界只有五百枚,台灣只有這一枚,搶購要快The big cosmic meteorite color silver coin, the new two-ounce 2toz is set with a moon fragment. The total weight of this moon meteorite is only 140 grams. It is found in Morocco, quite rare and precious. This silver coin is big in this year's World Berlin Coin Show. It is very popular among collectors, and it has fluorescent function at night. There are only 500 pieces in the world. This is the only one in Taiwan.點擊這裡跳到另一個賣場
